Klingspor Abrasives USA
One of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality products, such as abrasive discs, belts, flapdiscs, rolls, and cut-off wheels.
From our customers.
I thought the speedy next day service was great. If I ever get into a bind, I feel like I can rely on you. Plus, your sandpaper is the highest quality I've ever used.
I thought the speedy next day service was great. If I ever get into a bind, I feel like I can rely on you. Plus, your sandpaper is the highest quality I've ever used.
I thought the speedy next day service was great. If I ever get into a bind, I feel like I can rely on you. Plus, your sandpaper is the highest quality I've ever used.
I thought the speedy next day service was great. If I ever get into a bind, I feel like I can rely on you. Plus, your sandpaper is the highest quality I've ever used.
Reference desk
A wide collection of information about our products. Get to know more about the basics, application, and material. Recommendations and tips are also available.
What's the difference between softwoods and hardwoods?
Watch how to spot differences between types of softwoods & hardwoods, along with other tips for numerous sanding purposes.